UF Gets Animated

a teenager's daily dose of animation

7 Despicable Me Minions UF Students Can Relate To

We’ve all got a little bit of minion in us, even on our worst days. Sometimes we might feel like Daves and others, Jerrys. Though we may feed down sometimes, its a comfort to know that even on our worst days at least one minion feels the same way.

1. Dave (The Enthusiastic One)

If you’re a Dave, you get super happy and overexcited about a lot of things. You find out something exciting and can’t hold back your enthusiasm, which at times can be dangerous and embarrassing. Although you probably don’t accidentally fire off bazookas into crowds of fellow students (ouch), you’ve probably had at least one time in your life when you were so happy about something that you ended up accidentally hurting someone with your enthusiasm, like that time you passed Chemistry or Calculus.

2. Stuart (The Innocent One)

Source: imgur.com

Stuarts are the innocent and pure among us. When someone cracks an inappropriate joke, Stuarts are the ones who are sitting there dumbfounded, trying to figure out what was so funny. Stuarts may sometimes feel excluded, but still, they are able to light up the room with their presence, even though they might not know it.

3. Jerry (The Fed-Up One)


Source: ineedthisforreactions.tumblr.com

Jerrys are fed up with everything. They’ve heard enough of your BS and have given up trying to sound enthusiastic about things they couldn’t care less about. If you’re a Jerry, you hate hypocrites and tattletales. You probably have a few close friends who you can trust and who you haven’t completely lost faith in yet. Even though you have lost your faith in the world, you’re sometimes still shocked when someone does something stupid.

4. Jorge (The One who Seems Serious. But is Actually Super Immature)

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Source: giphy.com

If you’re a Jorge, you’re someone who’s confident in himself, but only lets lose around his friends. When you’re on your own surrounded by people you don’t know, you may seem reserved, perhaps even arrogant, because of how stand-offish and chill you are, but as soon as you’re surrounded by your friends, you’re off doing stupid things like photocopying your butt or sending people funny snapchats; you let your true personality show.

5. Tim (The Bossy One)

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Source: giphy.com

Tims are strong leaders. They hate losing and are often the ones to make decisions and solid plans when they’re with friends. Sometimes Tims’ attitudes can get a little bit bananonina, but that’s only because nobody every listens to them!  Tims are still enjoyable to be around because when they find something fun, they get very into it which makes it funner for everyone else.

6. Mark (The Passionate One)

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Source: giphy.com

Marks are the divas in the group, whether intentionally or not. If you’re a Mark, you love being at the center of attention. You usually have something that you are really enthusiastic about and that you love sharing with other people. It could be a talent, a hobby or a passion. Even though you think everyone should be as passionate as you about that thing, sometimes people don’t get it and get annoyed with your obsession. This can upset you, but not for long, because you know you have to stay focused on your goal of sharing your talent with the world.

7. Phil (The Happy One)

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Source: giphy.com

If you’re a Phil, you’re a laugher. You like making others happy and find something to laugh about in every situation. You are never upset for long because you find that there’s always something new to laugh about.  Sometimes you don’t understand why people can get upset with the world when there are so many great, funny things in it. You often try to spread your cheer onto other people.


So which minion are you?

To learn more about the minions, click here or here.

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